Our Designated Safeguarding Team
At Hawthorn, we have a dedicated Pastoral Team who help our children with a range of difficulties as well as supporting parents and carers with difficulties they may face.
Our DSL’s are:
Sam Abraham (Headteacher)
Felicity Cook (Deputy Headteacher)
Clare Maksymczuk (Early Years lead)
Aisha Zentani (Pastoral)
Emma James (Pastoral)
Eleanor Barker (Pastoral)
Our safeguarding Governor is Andy Poulton
What is the role of a DSL?
A designated safeguarding lead has overarching responsibilities regarding safeguarding in school. They will have an in-depth knowledge of safeguarding guidance (such as Keeping Children Safe in Education and Working Together to Safeguard Children) and related pieces of legislation (e.g. the Children Act 1989).
They will apply this knowledge to help implement and maintain safeguarding procedures and policies, as well as be alert to safeguarding issues on a day-to-day basis. This includes ensuring that staff have received appropriate training, that their own training is up to date, safe recruitment practices are sufficient, and all actions are within the best interest of safeguarding children.
If the DSL identifies any concerns or another member of staff raises them, they will coordinate with the child’s primary caregiver(s) if suitable and the necessary external bodies to pursue a course of action.
The responsibilities of a designated safeguarding lead include:
- Being available for all staff to discuss any safeguarding issues or concerns. They should ensure that all staff are aware of the DSL and deputy contact details.
- Ensuring that cases of suspected or actual child protection or safeguarding concerns are referred to the appropriate agencies. The DSL will gather further information and evidence if needed.
- Ensuring that all staff are fully trained in safeguarding and know how to spot and raise concerns. They will also help to maintain an effective staff supervision programme.
- Undergoing regular refresher training themselves to ensure their safeguarding knowledge is as up to date as possible and in line with new guidance.
- Ensuring that adequate reporting and recording systems are in place for safeguarding procedures, and that there are appropriate transferal procedures for records if students move.
- Ensuring that the school’s safeguarding policies and procedures are up to date with the most recent statutory guidance, and that everyone who has safeguarding duties are familiar with any updates.
- Communicating with families on the school’s policies and procedures, as well as any concerns or referrals where appropriate.
- Ensuring their organisation has sufficient safer recruitment procedures.
- Being aware of any children who may require specific safeguarding needs and have specific vulnerabilities.
Hawthorn Primary School is committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of all our pupils and expects all staff and volunteers to share this commitment.
Robust mechanisms are in place throughout school relating to Safeguarding. Child Protection procedures are followed carefully, in line with “Keeping Children Safe (September 2023) and Hawthorn Primary School Safeguarding Policy (based upon the Birmingham Policy).
Pupils have a good understanding about being and feeling safe and understand that, when they are able to talk to adults in school at any time when worried about any issues met.
It is our duty to ensure that all children in our care are and feel safe.
For further information about Safeguarding and Child Protection, please refer to the Safeguarding Policy.
Codes of Conduct (Respect Charter)
In line with our desire to always care for and respect everyone in our Hawthorn Community, the Codes of Conduct and Rights Respecting Charters are an integral part of our Safeguarding ethos and practice..
Treat people as you would want to be treated yourself.
Our Hawthorn code of conduct is displayed in every classroom and throughout the school. The staff and children use and refer to it on a regular basis.
I will…
Show respect and care for each other.
Respect all property & belongings.
Look after our school environment.
Be & feel safe.
Be proud of our school.
Do our very best in everything.
So that everyone within our school community feels safe and is respected we also have a Staff Code of Conduct, a Governor Code of Conduct and a Parent/Carer Code of Conduct. The full Parent/Carer Code of Conduct can be found on our website.
Parents, carers and visitors are reminded to:
- Respect the caring ethos of the school
- Understand that parents and teachers need to work together for the benefit of the pupils
- Demonstrate in their own behaviour that all members of the school community should be treated with respect
- Seek to clarify a child’s version of events with the school’s views in order to bring out a peaceful solution to any issue
- Correct their own child’s behaviour, especially where it could lead to conflict
- Approach school staff to help resolve issues of concern
- Avoid using staff as threats to admonish children’s behaviour