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Year Six

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  • Class Visit to Jame Masjid Mosque

    Published 02/06/24, by Vicki Gore

    On Thursday 23rd May 2024, the children in Year 6 visited the Jame Masjid Mosque in Aston as part of their RE unit about Islam. Thanks to the kindness and patience of Mr Hussein, we learnt more about the importance of Wudu, ritual washing to be performed in preparation for prayer and worship , and the significance of the 5 pillars of Islam in the day-to-day life of all Muslims.

    Wudu Room:

    Prayer is fundamental in Islam. This clock tells Muslims when to pray to Allah. We were told that the red clock face is the only time at which Muslims are forbidden to pray, as this is the 'devil's time'.

    Within the main prayer room, Mr Hussein explained the significance of qiblah wall, which faces in the direction of Mecca; the mihrab, the place where the Imam prays; the minbah, traditionally 3 steps which from which the sermon (khutbah) is delivered; and the significance of the 3 piece soft Arabic writing on the qiblah - Allah (the one true god is Islam), Muhammed (the prophet) and the phrase 'No god but Allah. Mohammed(pbuh) is his messenger'.


    Mr Hussein showed us the Quran, in 3 different sizes, and talked about how this book must not be placed on the floor as it contains the words of Alla, so it is sacred and special. Muslims place the Quran on a rihal, a wooden stand made from one piece of wood; derived from the Arabic word rahl (رَحْل) meaning "camel saddle", referring to the resemblance of the unfolded lectern to a saddle.


    Mr Hisseiin also showed us some prayer beads, which are used as a tool by which Muslims perform the dhikr, or pronouncements in remembrance of Allah as instructed by the Holy Quran. The rope of prayer beads is a kind of abacus used to help memorise verses from the Quran or, more commonly, to keep track of the recitation of the 99 names of God. During the holy month of Ramadan, Muslims’ intimacy with their prayer beads gets closer.

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  • Happy Vaisakhi 12/04/24

    Published 17/04/24, by Vicki Gore

    In Year 6 today, we have been celebrating the British Values of everyone's similarities and differences. As part of our schools' cultural capital, we celebrate Vaisakhi ( a festival within the Sikh faith). Vaisakhi celebrates the founding of the Sikh community; the Khalsa.  In Year 6, the children researched the history of this tradition and explored how Sikhs around the world celebrate Vaisakhi, presenting their work using their skills within computing (Information Technology). In addition to this, all children across the school were treated with ice cream as an act of Sewa (giving to others) from Mrs Kaur. 




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  • Eid Al-Fitr 2024

    Published 14/04/24, by Vicki Gore

    Eid Mubarak  (عِيد مُبَارَك)

    To mark the festival of Eid Al-Fitr, the children in Year 6 created posters to show their understanding of this important event. When the Muslim children returned to school, they wrote about what Eid means to them and how they celebrated it in 2024.





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  • British Science Week 2024

    Published 14/03/24, by Vicki Gore

    How do our veins and arteries work? What is inside our blood? As part of British Science Week, the children in Year 6 explored these questions in more detail. To begin with, the children took part in a practical activity to learn about how blood circulates through the heart:




    Year 6 took a look inside blood, identifying the four main components: plasma, red blood cells, white blood cells and platelets.





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  • Year 6 Residential 2024.

    Published 14/03/24, by Vicki Gore
    Please review the PowerPoint below for details about the Year  6 upcoming residential. If you have any further questions, please speak to Miss Bingham or Mrs Abraham
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  • World Book Day 2024

    Published 07/03/24, by Vicki Gore

    Today, Thursday 7th March, the children celebrated World Book Day by coming into school in the PJs (or own clothes). They were fortunate enough to learn from an author, Sofie Georgiou, who came to the school to talk about her book’ Emma’s European Adventure.’

    So… to begin with, Y6 went outside and read the book in pairs to find out more about it:

    Greg Lassiter and Sofia Georgiou, the authors of Emma’s European  Adventures, are two accomplished individuals . Their joint venture is a  testament to their dedication to making a positive impact on young minds across the globe. Through this enchanting tale, they aim to reach children from all walks of life, fostering a love for learning, exploration, and cultural diversity. Y6 got the opportunity today to ask Sofia some questions about her book and the ideas behind it.


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  • Engineering Workshops with Into University (26th February - 1st March)

    Published 03/03/24, by Vicki Gore

    This week, the children in Year 6 spent the week with IntoUniversity, a UK-based charity that aims to help young people achieve their chosen aspirations, including university, further and higher education, employment and work-based training. The focus for the week was 'engineering'. The children explored civil engineering (through structure and bridge building exercises),



    Automotive engineering (through activities around speed and friction),


    Aeronautical activities (through balloon activities involving drag)



    Robotic engineering (through coding with educational robots and Lego).




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  • Chinese New Year 2024 - 02/02/24

    Published 05/02/24, by Vicki Gore

    Today, the children in Year 6 were given the opportunity to learn some Chinese dancing in recognition of Chinese New Year. 

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  • WW2 Workshop

    Published 28/11/23, by Alix Bingham

    On Tuesday 28/11/23, Steve visited us. He gave us an incredible immersive experience of WW2!


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  • Art Parent Workshop

    Published 28/11/23, by Alix Bingham

    An art workshop for children and parents on 27/11/23/.

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  • BBC Micro:Bits

    Published 08/11/23, by Vicki Gore

    Do you know how to program a computer? In Year 6 this week, we have been exploring coding with the use of our new BBC Micro:Bit miniature computers. The children enjoyed exploring their new 'pocket-sized computers', giving them names and using a simple drag-and-drop coding interface similar to other coding platforms that they have been taught to use in previous years, to create a simple name badge.

    Through the use of Micro:Bits, children are encouraged to explore ideas using real code. The device provides an authentic experience of the interaction between hardware and software and gives children practical computer knowledge. Using it, they can see how what they do with the code on-screen has a direct impact on the device they're holding in their hand.

    Watch this space to see all the amazing skills the children will get to use over this half-term...

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  • Online Safety Parent Workshop

    Published 10/10/23, by Alix Bingham

    Online Saftey Parent Workshop 04/10/23

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