Spagetti Bolognese
Today, Year 5 cooked spaghetti bolognese. As part of our DT curriculum, Year 5 have learnt where food comes from to make Bolognese.
Children used their chopping and peeling skills to create a delicious meal!
Today, Year 5 cooked spaghetti bolognese. As part of our DT curriculum, Year 5 have learnt where food comes from to make Bolognese.
Children used their chopping and peeling skills to create a delicious meal!
Year 5 had an amazing educational visit to Steelhouse Lane Police Museum. Linked to our history curriculum, children researched Crime and Punishment throughout the years.
Year 5 had a parent workshop in which they created their Mayan masks. This was linked to our art curriculum.
Children have been researching the Maya civilisation, a Mesoamerican civilisation that existed as early as 1500 BCE. Mayan masks were used for a variety of reasons;to adorn the faces of the dead, to be worn at important events, to be worn during battle and to be hung in houses.
Children used different techniques to create Mayan masks using clay, such as score, slip and blend.
Year 5 had a HSBC workshop in which a representative of the bank taught the children about managing their money on online gaming. The children were asked about real life scenarios in which they thought about how to be more careful with money and monitor how much they spend. This workshop was beneficial for children to understand how money can impact online gaming attitudes and practices.
What a fantastic day and turn out from parents thank you so much for your attendance and support for the children. We were fortunate to have beautiful weather and the children took part in a range of brilliant sports activities that are covered in our PE curriculum.
Year 5 had the opportunity to take part in a workshop by Villa Vision.
Villa Vision is the Aston Villa Foundation eye health initiative, designed to educate children on the importance of eye health.
Children discussed different ways in which we use our eyes, along with the use of VR headsets and 3D glasses to enhance the topics and bring these learnings to life. Children also explored preventative measures to encourage good practice and help safeguard the eyes for a lifetime.
Today, Year 5 went to Into University, Maryvale Community Centre, to take part in an Oceanography Focus Day. Oceanography is the study of all aspects of the ocean, which covers a wide range of topics, from marine life and ecosystems to currents and waves.
Children explored careers in Oceanography, climate change and researched endangered marine species.
Children also took part in drafting and delivering a debate around coal mining and its effects on the ocean.
Happy Eid to our Hawthorn families. We hope that you had a lovely celebration with your own friends and families.
Welcome back. We hope that you all had a restful Easter break.
Within Hawthorn we have been Celebrating the British Values of everyone's similarities and differences. As part of our schools' cultural capital, we celebrated Vaisakhi as part of the Sikh faith. Vaisakhi is the founding of the Sikh community, the Khalsa. Children were also treated with ice cream as an act of sewa (giving to others) from Mrs Kaur.
Thank you to all the parents that were able to attend our Tudor House Workshop. It was lovely to see such a great turn out.
Year 5 has researched architecture from the Tudor period, linked to the Art curriculum. Tudor-style homes stand out from other historic homes with their steeply pitched gable roofs, elegant masonary and stonework, and stately wooden beams set in a stucco or stone facade.
Children were given the opportunity to create a Tudor house with their adults putting into practise all the knowledge that they had gained about the features, colour, shape and pattern which had been used for effect in Tudor architecture.
We had some amazing and impressive Tudor houses full of detail and characteristics from the Tudor period.
British Science Week is a celebration of science, technology, engineering and maths. This year's theme is Time.
This week, Year 5 became engineers! They learnt about pendulums by making one themselves. Investigating ways to slow down its swing and even exploring different types of swings.