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Year Four

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  • Sports Day

    Published 24/06/24, by Denise Barrow

    The sun was shining for our sports day! We showcased a range of sports activities to suit all our children which highlighted their team spirit and individual effort. What a fantastic turn out from our parents/carers, we thank you so much for your attendance and support for the children. 

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  • Greek Day - Food and Dance

    Published 03/06/24, by Denise Barrow

    What a way to spend our last day of half-term, learning how to cook Greek food and learning about Yai Yai's childhood in Cyprus (Mrs Turley's Mother). 

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  • How to make a Mediterranean appetiser.

    Published 15/05/24, by Denise Barrow

    In writing this week, we are writing a set of instructions. As we learn about Ancient Greece in history, we were inspired to make Mediterranean food. Today, we made an appetiser while thinking about the method we are going to write about this week. We enjoyed the tasty dish and some of Year 4 even got to try some new flavours like olives and hummus. 

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  • Parent Workshop - T-shirt Printing

    Published 13/05/24, by Denise Barrow

    Cultural capital is the essential knowledge that children need to prepare them for their future success. It is about giving children the best possible start to their early education by valuing their cultures, languages and traditions.

    Our chosen country is Africa! Children had fun designing their own traditional pattern, which they then transferred onto lino to carve ready for our t-shirt printing parent workshop.  

    The history of traditional African clothing designs is rich and varied, reflecting the continent’s diverse cultures. Before Western influence, each tribe had its own clothing style, influenced by local climate, available materials, social hierarchy, and cultural values. Traditional attire often features vibrant colours and intricate patterns, each with cultural significance.

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  • PSHE - Relationships - Loss

    Published 03/05/24, by Denise Barrow

    In PSHE lesson this week, we talked about how loss and memories are vital, although they can be  challenging for both children and adults to deal with. We discussed how we like to remember both occasions and people that have been special to us, and photos, souvenirs and mementos help us to do this. A memory box can help store special memories if they ever lose a special person or animal. They can go to it whenever they are feeling sad to remember all the good times with that special person. Children designed and created their own memory boxes to take home.

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  • Careers In Action Workshop with IntoUniversity

    Published 26/04/24, by Denise Barrow

    We took part in a programme which supports and inspires students to think about their future education and the world of work. The programme raised students’ aspirations and promoted essential skills such as teamwork and communication. We were civil engineers, product designers and archaeologists. Ask your child what role they enjoyed today? 

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  • Parent Workshop - Circuits

    Published 16/04/24, by Denise Barrow

    Last term, we learnt about electricity and electrical circuits during our Science lessons. Today, in our fun and engaging parent workshop, children were able to create a variety of electrical circuits to show off their skills. They were asked to test different materials and their ability to conduct electricity and to be creative using different types of switches. Someone even used their glasses! 

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  • Eid Mubarak

    Published 12/04/24, by Denise Barrow

    Happy Eid to our Hawthorn families. We hope that you had a lovely celebration with your own friends and families.

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  • Happy Vaisakhi

    Published 12/04/24, by Denise Barrow

    Welcome back!

    We hope that you all had a restful Easter break.

    Within Hawthorn, we have been celebrating the British Values of everyone's similarities and differences. As part of our schools' cultural capital, we celebrated Vaisakhi as part of the Sikh faith. Vaisakhi is the founding of the Sikh community, the Khalsa. Children were also treated with ice cream as an act of sewa (giving to others) from Mrs Kaur. 

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  • Happy Easter! Decorate an Egg Competition

    Published 22/03/24, by Denise Barrow

    A big well done to those children in Year 4 who took part in our EGG-citing competition this week. We received some EGG-cellent entries! We were overwhelmed by the creativity, ideas and effort the children put into their creations. 

    Wishing all our families a Happy Easter!

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  • 'Vikings Rock, Vikings Roll' - Year 4 you rocked!

    Published 21/03/24, by Denise Barrow

    In history this term, we have been learning about Vikings and their invasions. The Vikings and Anglo-Saxons struggled for the Kingdom of England during the time of Edward the confessor. Viking shields were more than just defensive tools; they were symbols of prestige, strength, and bravery. Warriors often decorated their shields with personal designs reflecting their identity and beliefs. They also played roles in ceremonies and were displayed in homes as symbols of protection. We have been learning about their designs and the colours used to decorate them in our art lessons. Yesterday, Year 4 sang 'Vikings Rock, Viking Roll' during our Spring Singing Assembly and are proud Year 4 showed off their own shield designs.


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  • World Book Day

    Published 08/03/24, by Denise Barrow

    Read Your Way this World Book Day 2024! Lots of children dressed up or came in their PJ''s! You all made a great effort and looked amazing. We had a fabulous day celebrating by completing various activities throughout the day. We have shared books with our friends, been detectives  code breaking and we even got to RAP 'We're going on a bear hunt' based on our learning from last term in music.

    We read a book called Emma's European Adventures'. We were very lucky to have a visit from the author herself, Sofia Geogiou. We interviewed Sofia, using our reporting skills from writing, asking many different types of open questions finding out about her. Emma (the main character in the book, a dog) had visited Athens so we wrote a fact file of our own creation of a Greek God and then became illustrators, drawing a temple using our sketching skills learnt in art.

    Emma's European Adventure written by Sofia Georgiou and Greg Lassiter. Greg and Sofia have come together to create a lasting legacy. Their joint venture, “Emma’s European Adventure,” is a testament to their dedication to making a positive impact on young minds across the globe. Through this enchanting tale, they aim to reach children from all walks of life, fostering a love for learning, exploration, and cultural diversity.

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