Key questions
What does double mean?
Where can you see a double?
What is double 2? What is double 3? What is double 4? What is double 5?
Key questions
What does double mean?
Where can you see a double?
What is double 2? What is double 3? What is double 4? What is double 5?
As part of mental health week, the children enjoyed visiting Hawthorn Spa and participating in wellbeing activities...
Can you tell a grown up your rights and responsibilities?
The children love having you in school! Thank you to all the parents that attended this week...
What do you see? How do you see it? What is the whole? What is/are the part/parts?
What does nocturnal mean? What animal family does a fox belong to? What is a den? What do foxes eat? What is a baby fox called? Why do foxes have bushy tails?
Sweet potatoes, cumin and cinnamon - delicious!
We are reading a selection of wonderful Julia Donaldson books this term. The children's 'takeaway' task was to create their own Gruffalo - look at their amazing learning!